Where to blog?

I've been pondering about whether to kick off a new blog for some time. Everytime I get close, usually after installing something I then forget about it. That can't be a good sign, can it?
But there is a lot to talk about these days, and I'm getting involved in some very interesting stuff working at the NHS Wales Informatics Service so I might give this a shot. So the next question is where to write?
I am one of those Evernote fanatics. I like Evernote so much I actually pay for it (which makes me a bit of an anomaly in my team). So I thought it was pretty cool when I found out about Postach.io which basically takes a Evernote notebook and turns it into a blog. It's also free if you are prepared to put up with the templates and has the attraction of being backed up as a hosted service. My many years of fighting the config of Wordpress and Joomla ended up doing me in to the attraction of this, or Medium is pretty strong right now.
Anyway, let's see where this thing goes. Let me know your comments!